
If you or someone you know is in jail, it is helpful to know that you could be eligible for bail. Bail permits you to regain your freedom and return to your life, which you would have lost if you remained in police custody. However, bail can be prohibitively expensive for you. The law permits you to work with a bondsman who can post a surety bond on your behalf for the court to process your pretrial release. Bail Bonds Company works closely with jails and courts in Azusa to ensure that defendants who cannot afford bail have the opportunity to guarantee their pretrial release. We can accompany you on this journey until your case’ conclusion.

The Arrest and Booking Procedure

Facing a police arrest is a traumatic experience. Nobody expects the police to knock on their door, to their workplace, or chase them down the street. The prospect of losing your freedom and the severe consequences that come with it can be overwhelming, even for your loved ones. Even imagining how much time you could lose before the end of your legal issue is stressful. Some cases drag on for years before a judge reaches the final decision. If you are not well-prepared to make bail, you could lose quality years of your life.

However, law enforcement officers must perform their duties, which include arresting and apprehending suspected criminals. If you face criminal accusations or your name comes up in a criminal investigation, the police can come after you. You cannot run away from an arrest or fight the cops when they come knocking. But you can prepare for what will happen after your detention to help ease your mind and make the entire process more bearable. It is important to note that you can also be arrested if you are present at a scene of a crime. The officers will not even allow you a moment to say your final goodbyes to your loved ones.

Following your arrest, officers will transport you to the station for booking. They will record your personal information, mugshots and fingerprints, and any other information they require in the police database. During the arrest, an officer will inform you of your charges. They will also notify you of your Miranda rights. Following your booking, an officer will inform you of your right to bail. However, the judge rules on all bail issues. You will be ready for your first arraignment shortly after booking.

If you are eligible for bail, the judge will present you with bail options to consider. If you could post bail quickly, you would be free.

Bail Hearings

Bail hearings in California are scheduled immediately following an arrest. The law does not allow police to detain suspected offenders for an extended time before bringing them before a judge. A bail hearing aims to decide your suitability for freedom before trial and the bail amount required to obtain your freedom. The judge is in charge of these hearings and has the final say.

Under the law, bail for different offenses is predetermined and provided in a bail schedule. You can determine the amount you need to secure your pretrial release based on your criminal charges. Some crimes have higher bail requirements than others. For example, felonies require more substantial bail than misdemeanors. However, the judge will have the final say on how much you should pay to the court to ensure your court appearances.

Once the details of your arrest are received, the judge will schedule a bail hearing for you. That should happen shortly after the booking.

You could have an attorney present at this initial hearing. The judge will hear your case's charges and other facts during the hearing. Based on the facts of your case, the prosecutor will propose a bail amount. You or your attorney can request a bail reduction if you demonstrate that you are prepared to face a trial.

If your case has mitigating or aggravating factors, the court can lower or raise your bail from the bail schedule. For example, if you are unemployed and have no ties to your community, the court will consider you a flight risk and raise your bail. In addition, if you face charges for a more serious felony, like rape, or you are a threat to your community after your release, the judge can deny your bail request or increase it.

However, if you face charges for a minor offense, are a good citizen, or have people who rely on you, the judge can set a lower bail or agree to release you on your own recognizance. Bail is unnecessary for a release on O.R. The judge expects you to attend all scheduled hearings in your case without fail. However, the judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest when you fail to attend court hearings. If that happens, you could remain in police custody until the end of the case.

If you are eligible for bail release and the judge sets a bond amount, you will be given options for posting bail. The judge can order you to pay cash bail or surety bonds, depending on your financial situation. You or your family determine which option is best for your situation. If you can effortlessly raise the amount, you can post cash bail and have the court process your release. However, if you feel it will take a long time to raise the necessary funds, you can seek financial assistance from a reputable bondsman.

Factors that Determine Your Bail

It is important to note that your bail can differ from another person's, even if you both face similar criminal charges. When setting bail for different offenses, judges consider a variety of factors. Some of these elements are as follows:

The Bail Schedule

A bail schedule is a list of crimes and bail amounts prepared and used by courts in a specific jurisdiction. The list includes various legal offenses and the bail amount a defendant could pay if they want to attend trial from home. These schedules can be found in jails and courtrooms. Based on your charges, your arresting officer can quickly tell you what your bail will most likely be. During the initial hearings, judges consider bail schedules for defendants. Based on the particulars of your matter, the judge can raise or lower the amount in the schedule. Judges sometimes grant bail based on the bail schedule.

The amount is usually not fixed. You can request a bail hearing for the courts to lower bail if you feel that your bail is too high for you or your family.

Nature of Your Charges

Your bail could be relatively high or affordable, depending on your charges. Recall that bail for a felony offense is not the same as misdemeanor bail. Misdemeanors are minor offenses. If you face charges for a misdemeanor, the judge can even release you on O.R. However, a felony offense can result in an increased bail. Because some felonies are more serious than others, they attract higher bail. A more severe felony, like murder, will result in a higher bail and, in some cases, the possibility of being denied bail. In addition, based on the nature of your charges, the judge can lower or raise your bail amount from the bail schedule.

Flight Risk

You are considered a flight risk if you are likely to flee your community once the judge grants your freedom. Among the conditions for bail release is staying in your community until the end of the case. If you flee your community, you cannot attend your hearings, and your case can remain pending until you return.

Even though our jails cannot accommodate all suspected offenders, the criminal justice system strives to try and close criminal cases as soon as they are filed. A delay could jeopardize the case's credibility. Furthermore, locating you once you flee a court jurisdiction is an additional cost to taxpayers.

The judge will increase your bail or deny you pretrial release if you pose a flight risk. The plan is to keep you in police custody until the resolution of your legal issue.

Public Safety

Judges will also set a substantial bail if your freedom pending trial would benefit you, your family, or your community. However, if you are a threat to your family, the victim of your crime, or the public, the judge could increase your bail or deny you pretrial release. When it comes to bail hearings, judges prioritize public safety. If members of the public do not feel safe with you living among them, the judge will not grant your freedom. The judge can set a hefty bail to make obtaining your pretrial release difficult.

What Azusa Bail Bonds Can Do For You

When bail is high, your chances of obtaining a pretrial release are slim. Your relatives and friends could assist you in raising the necessary funds, but this could take some time, requiring you to remain in police custody for much longer. Remember that the longer you remain in detention, the more damage you will cause to various aspects of your life, including your career and social life. Thus, you are entitled to an alternative to a cash or property bond so that you are released immediately after your detention.

Bond dealers assist defendants who are unable to guarantee their pretrial release. These companies are authorized to provide financial assistance to inmates who need to guarantee their freedom before trial but cannot do so. They collaborate closely with defendants and their families, so inmates in need of assistance receive it as soon as they are arrested. If you want your freedom back but cannot obtain it, you should contact a bondsman for Azusa bail bonds.

Azusa bail bonds provide quick release from police custody. Bondsmen are usually well-prepared to post surety bonds on their client's behalf. They already have the financial means to pay a part of the needed money and assure the court of the remainder if you lose your bail. Bondsmen are also available to assist you throughout the bail payment and beyond. They will only rest once you have completed your trial without violating any of the bail conditions imposed by the court.

After your detention, you can quickly locate a dependable Azusa bail bonds company. Bondsmen have made it very simple for defendants from families with loved ones in jail to access bail bonds. You can find a bail bond service online or by phone. Because you are in police custody, a close friend or relative can contact your preferred bondsman via online message, text message, or phone call. They do not need to go to the bondsman's office to find assistance. When the bondsman receives your message or phone call, they will immediately begin the process.

Azusa bail bonds are available at reasonable prices. Keep in mind that bail can be costly. However, with a bondsman, you only pay a portion of your bail to be released. In Los Angeles, the standard bail bond rate is 10% of the bail. You could find a company that will provide a reduced rate. Most businesses also offer payment flexibility. Thus, if you and your family are already facing financial difficulty, you will still receive bail assistance.

After your release on bail, the right bondsman will not abandon you. They will check in on you from time to time to confirm that your legal issue is progressing smoothly. They are also available after bail release for advice and support. You will require adequate support to prepare for trial and achieve a favorable outcome in your case.

The Role of a Co-signer

When looking for Azusa bail bonds, you will need a cosigner. Since you are in police custody, a co-signer will sign for the bail bonds on your behalf. They could be a family member or a close friend. Once you realize you cannot afford to post cash bail, you can contact your co-signer from jail to assist you in obtaining a bail bond. They will contact the bondsman on your behalf, learn about the bail service, pay for it, and start the process. A co-signer is someone you can fully trust to accompany you on this challenging journey. They must also be willing and ready to assist you until the court releases you. Some of their responsibilities include:

They Are Responsible For You

Your chosen friend or relative will assume responsibility for you after the court grants your freedom by agreeing to be your co-signer. The court requires a responsible person to whom you can be released to, and your co-signer will be ideal. When they take charge of you, they promise the court that you will attend all court appearances regarding your legal matter until it is resolved. They will ensure you follow all bail terms and conditions, including not leaving the county, country, or state.

If you miss your court date and the court forfeits the bail, your co-signer will also be held accountable for the total amount.

They Make Payments on Your Behalf

Your co-signer will also be responsible for any payments required by the bondsmen before your release. For example, bondsmen need you to pay a premium, which also serves as the fee for bail bonds service. That payment can be made for you by your co-signer. If they do not have the entire amount, they can make a partial payment and guarantee the bondsman that the remaining amount will be paid within a specific time frame.

They Agree to Some Terms and Conditions

After receiving financial assistance from a bondsman, your co-signer will also agree to some of the terms and conditions you must follow. For example, for the bond dealer to assist you in posting bail, you must agree to appear in court on all scheduled dates. The co-signer will closely monitor your case so you do not violate any of the conditions.

Jail Information

Azusa Police Department

725 N Alameda Ave
Azusa, CA 91702
+1 626-812-3200

MCI Corrections

22550 E Fork Rd
Azusa, CA 91702
+1 626-910-1345

Court Information 

West Covina Courthouse

1427 W Covina Pkwy
West Covina, CA 91790
+1 626-430-2600 

Azusa City Clerk

213 E Foothill Blvd
Azusa, CA 91702
+1 626-812-5229

Find Affordable Bail Bonds Near Me

If you are in an Azusa jail and cannot afford bail, you can quickly find an affordable bail bonds service. Bondsmen are easy to come by these days. They have offices in convenient locations that you or your family can easily locate. You can also reach them by phone or online, depending on your preferred method of communication. With affordable bail bonds, you can obtain your pretrial release quickly and reunite with your relatives and friends. At Bail Bonds Company, we provide competitive rates for our bail bonds service. We also allow for payment flexibility. With us, you can expect a prompt release from detention following your arrest. To discuss our rates, call us at 323-579-1415.


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