Santa Fe Springs

Facing an arrest for any crime in California can devastate you and your entire family. Although the bail laws allow your release with the pending case, the bail amounts for most crimes are too high for most people to afford. Luckily, there are alternative means to post bail and walk free. Using property or a bail bond can ensure that a defendant is out of jail within no time.

Bail bonds have gained immense popularity in California. A bail bonds service will only charge you 10% of the original bail amount, which is easier to raise on short notice. If you qualify for a bail bond, the bail bondsman will go to the court and secure the release by posting the total amount or promising to do so if you skip bail. This offloads the pressure of dealing with the bail process. At Bail Bonds Company, we work to provide the best bail bonds service in Santa Fe Springs, CA.

Can I Be Released Without Bail?

Yes. While bail is necessary for defendants to secure an early release from jail, the court can release some defendants without monetary commitment. Commonly known as a recognizance release, a release without bail requires you to sign a promise to return to court for further criminal proceedings and trial. An OR release is the most favorable way to secure a release. This is because the financial burden associated with eh bail release will not apply to you.

While all defendants can apply for the OR release, the court will grant you the no-bail release under the following circumstances:

  1. You are a first-time offender. California law is strict on repeat offenders. A substantial criminal history may indicate your contempt for the court and inability to rehabilitate. Therefore, if it is your first time dealing with the criminal justice system, charges are high, and you will not need bail.
  2. You have no violent history. Bail serves to discourage missing court dates and other criminal conduct. A person with a violent history may need to make a monetary commitment before a release before trial.
  3. Your charges are minor. In California, you can be arrested for all sorts of offenses. Some petty crimes may only result in probation and low fines. If you face charges for such a crime, the court doesn’t anticipate that you will consider skipping bail, which can attract more severe consequences.
  4. You are trustworthy. When you request an OR release, the judge will hold an OR release hearing where you plead your case. The judge will allow you to be released without jail if you can prove that you will honor your promise to return to court when needed. You can confirm this by presenting witnesses to vouch for your character.

Even when the court releases you without bail, the judge can attach strict conditions to your release. Failure to follow the conditions will see you back in jail or with a requirement to post bail.

Myths About the Bail Bonds Industry in California

Bail bond companies play a significant role in ensuring defendants do not sit in jail while the court decides on their court date and the prosecution builds a case against them. Most people who lack sufficient funds for a release can turn to these companies for financial assistance and expert guidance for the bail process. Every industry has some misconceptions brought about by the public and made worse by reality shows and films.

When a loved one is arrested, and you seek a bail bond, it is essential to understand how the industry works and what you expect from your Santa Fe Springs bail bondsman. Listening to people and their misconceptions can discourage you from seeking the bail bonds service. This will see your loved one remain in jail for longer than necessary.

The bail bondsmen take up the responsibility of presenting the total bail money to the court for a defendant’s release. These professionals also follow up with the defendant to ensure they appear on stipulated dates. A good bail bonds service has agents who understand the court and jail processes. Therefore, they make the bail posting process more accessible and convenient for you and your loved one.

Sometimes, the bail bondsman will require the defendant to report to them regularly to review their adherence to the bail conditions. In most films, bail bondsmen employ bounty hunters to find a defendant. However, this ugly side is revealed when a defendant fails to honor the bail bond agreement of returning to court. The risk of losing the money used as bail prompts the surety company to use alternative methods to make the defendant appear in court.

The following is a clarification of the common misconceptions about the California bail bonds industry:

A Bail Bondsman Negotiates Bail Amounts.

Unlike popular belief, your Santa Fe Springs Bail Bondsman will not be involved in setting bail for your loved one. The amount of bail required for each defendant is often determined by the judge. At the initial court appearance, the judge will assess the different factors of a defendant's case to determine the suitable bail amount.

After checking the amount on the bail schedules, the court will then adjust the amount based on criminal history, crime severity, and a flight risk. If you believe the bail amount set for your release is unreasonable and seek a reduction, you must contact a skilled criminal lawyer to guide you through a bail reduction motion. The role of a bail bondsman begins when the bail amount is already set, and you want to avoid posting a cash or property bond.

The Bail Bonds Service Aids in the Release of Notorious Criminals

Another common misconception about the bonding industry is that a bail bondsman can aid the release of notorious offenders. The judge decides who must be released on bail and who to remain in jail until their case ends. If you receive a repeat offer or face charges for a serious offense like murder, there is nothing a surety company can do to ensure your release.

Before you contact a bail bondsman for assistance, you must ensure that your loved one has been granted bail and know the exact amount needed for the release. 

All Bail Bondsmen Charge 10% for their Services

The standard fee for a Santa Fe Springs bail bonds service is 10% of the entire bail amount. However, this percentage is only sometimes fixed. Sometimes the rate may be 15% if you seek a bail bond for an immigration case or 20% if your loved one is charged with a federal crime.

You can negotiate with your bail bonds service for a reduced premium. When looking for the right company to walk you through the bail process, you must ask about their rates and move along with the company whose rates fit your budget. However, it would help if you were weary of companies that offer extremely low rates.

There is nothing like a 5% premium in California. If a company offers such a rate for its services, it may need to be more licensed or experienced to provide the bail bonds service in California. In addition to negotiating the premium, the bail bonds service can allow you to make a repayment plan for the premium.

When the bail amount is very high, the 10% premium may be unaffordable for some defendants. Instead of leaving your loved one behind bars, you should look for a company that can negotiate a repayment plan. With such an arrangement, you cover a small percentage of the down payment and the rest in installments. If you can prove that you have a stable income and a good credit score, the surety company will accept your repayment plan.

Closely related to this misconception is that you must pay an extra fee for the bail bonds service. As long as your loved one is present for trial and does not violate their bail, there are no additional fees you need to pay to the Santa Fe Springs Bail Bonds Service. Before you settle for a bail bonds service, you must ask about any extra costs to avoid unforeseen requirements when you have already signed the bail bond agreement.

The Industry is Unregulated

Bail bond professionals are subject to federal and state legislation. A bondsman must be of a particular age and education level. After the necessary training, the bondsmen must be licensed. When you contact a surety company, you must ensure they are licensed and bonded to offer their service in the state.

Although the image propagated by the media is of bondsmen raiding people's homes, they do this as part of the bail bond agreement. If a defendant skips bail, they must employ all measures to find them and avoid forfeiture. Therefore, as they track down the defendant, they will save themselves and you from the losses associated with bail forfeiture.

Bail Bondsmen Are Bounty Hunters.

Your bail bondsman is different from a bounty hunter. Bounty hunters are professionals hired by the bail bondsman to find a defendant who skips bail. While the bail bondsman is busing, taking up new clients, and going to the court to post bail, the bounty hunter tracks the defendant and arrests them. A bounty hunter must have the necessary training and licensing to access state records about a defendant for easy location.

Appeal Bond in California

In California, you do not have to agree to a court ruling, especially where you are convicted and required to serve jail time. Most people believe they have grounds for a successful appeal after the court's ruling. You can file an appeal for a more favorable decision in your case. While your appeal pends, you can be released on an appeal bond. The appeal bond guarantees the court that you will surrender to serve your sentence if the appeal is denied or the appeal court judge sustains the ruling made at the lower court.

Additionally, a requirement for an appeal bond assures the court that funds will be available to pay for your judgment if the ruling does not change. If you have been sentenced to court fines or victim restitution, the judgment is put on hold, awaiting the appeal court's decision.

Unlike in your criminal case, you have no constitutional right to bail during an appeal. The judge will consider these factors in determining your eligibility for the appeal bond:

Your crime and sentence

The nature of your offense is critical in determining bail at any level of your case. However, since appeals are filed after a ruling, the type of sentence you receive after your conviction may affect the judge's decision to grant your appeal bond. If you have committed a serious offense and are sentenced to substantial prison time, you will be tempted to flee and avoid serving your sentence. Therefore, the court is reluctant to allow serious offenders an appeal bond.

In California, your chances of a release on an appeal bond are higher if your jail sentence is shorter than the time the appeal court needs to review your case. For a chance at an appeal bond, you must present sufficient evidence to prove that you will not flee and not threaten other people's safety.

Often, the appeal bonds will be two and a half times the court judgment. You can turn to a bail bonds service if you do not have the money to post the appeal bond. Mostly, the risk for an appeal bail bond is high. Therefore, you must always present collateral. Additionally, you will need to pay a fee of 1 to 3% for the bail bond service.

Finding a Good Santa Fe Springs Bail Bonds Service

Numerous bail bond companies are claiming to be the best at offering you the much-needed bail bonds service. However, not all agencies will provide the level of service you need. The moments following a loved one's arrest are challenging. Therefore, you may be in a vulnerable position. Finding the right representative can determine your experience. The following tips will direct you to a suitable company:

Bonding Experience

A bondsman with more experience will be highly reliable. You can check their experience by considering their years in the industry. A newer company may need to gain the necessary knowledge of court and jail processes which could delay the bonding process. If it is your first time dealing with the court system, you will need all the help you can receive from your bondsman.

Availability of Bondsmen

When you learn of a loved one's arrest, the first thing that comes to mind is how to ensure their fast release. Therefore, if the judge has already set a bail amount, you want to contact the bail bonds service as soon as possible and have them work on the release. Since arrests occur at any time, you want to deal with a company with agents available to answer your call and start the process of your loved one's release.

Some steps needed before a bail bondsman goes to the court to post bail include:

  • Investigating your bail bond eligibility. The bondman will check a defendant's criminal history to determine whether they are a flight risk. Additionally, they must check the co signer's credit history, income, and employment status to decide whether they can cover all the costs arising from the bail bond.
  • Documentation. Before the defendant is released on a bail bond, you must sign a bail bond agreement. In the contract, you promise to take responsibility for their return to court and to pay the premium.

The earlier you speak with a bondsman, the faster they begin the bail process, and your loved one will not spend any time behind bars. Therefore, you should avoid working with them even when you receive a referral for a good bail bonds service, and they have no agents on call.

Online Reviews and Ratings

A bail bonds service will put its best foot forward the first time you interact with them. The best way to know about the quality of their work and expected experience working with them is by checking with people who have hired their service. Checking online reviews allows you to understand other people's experiences and gauge whether you want a similar experience.

Jails Around Santa Fe Springs, CA:

California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation

9500 Norwalk Blvd 
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

Fred C, Nelles Youth Correctional Facility

11850 Whittier Blvd
Whittier, CA 90606

Courts in Santa Fe Springs, CA:

Whittier Courthouse

7339 Painter Ave
Whittier, CA 90602

Norwalk Courthouse

12720 Norwalk Blvd
Norwalk, CA 90650

Find a Bail Bonds Service Near Me

Learning of a loved one's arrest is nerve-wracking. However, it is not time to break down. You must gather yourself and find a way to secure their release. Spending time in jail is not desirable for anyone. Going home while the case is pending allows someone to spend time with family, return to work and meet with the defense team. The California court system allows different types of bail to discourage the defendant from skipping court dates.

California is known for its high bail amounts. Therefore, you will need a bail bonds service for a faster and more convenient release. The Bail Bonds Company has your back if you want a fast, friendly, professional bail bonds service. Our Santa Fe Springs Bail bondsmen are equipped with the necessary knowledge to help you navigate the bail process smoothly. Call us at 323-579-1415.


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