
One fact about being arrested is that it is an unforeseen event that can happen to anyone anywhere and at any time. That is why it is important to research and educate yourself about the aftermath of an arrest. Aside from being a traumatic event, an arrest could come with some unexpected financial obligations you did not see coming.

In addition to the possible court fees and fines you could pay upon conviction, an arrest could require you to post bail to avoid staying behind bars as you wait for your case to resolve. Bail is the price an arrestee deposits to the court's clerk as security for his/her release pending his/her case verdict. The judge will release or exonerate your bail when you appear in court as required.

Unfortunately, not every arrestee can afford this money on short notice after an arrest. That is why bail bond companies are available 24/7 to help you make your bail payment without wasting time. At Bail Bond Company, we can step in during these traumatic moments to offer you quick Lynwood bail bond service.

Our bilingual bondsmen will work with you through every step of the process, even after obtaining your release, for the best possible outcome on the alleged charge.

When a Law Enforcement Officer Can Make a Rightful Arrest

When police officers arrest a person for an alleged charge, they take away his/her right to freedom. That is why they must follow certain procedures before they legally arrest you as a suspect for any criminal offense. Below are circumstances when an officer can legally arrest you for any alleged criminal offense:

  • He/she did see or observe you committing a crime.
  • He/she has a court-issued arrest warrant.
  • He/she has probable cause to believe you are a culprit or suspect in a particular criminal case.

That means an officer cannot arrest you because of your skin color, racial background, religious beliefs, or because he/she has a hunch that you could be a criminal. An officer must be able to justify your arrest, typically by providing tangible evidence to prove probable cause. Unlike what most people think, the police will not necessarily use handcuffs on you after an arrest.

However, in some cases, they can do so to protect themselves if they believe you pose a threat or are likely to run away.

Quick Facts About the Booking Procedure After an Arrest

Once the police arrest you and take you into custody, you will go through a standard procedure formally known as the booking process. The booking process occurs at the jail or police station, where a booking officer will:

  • Conduct a background check on you to see whether you have past offenses or convictions.
  • Take your fingerprints.
  • Record your charges.
  • Take mugshots of you.
  • Check whether you have any contrabands on your person.

The booking process could take two (2) to eight (8) hours to complete. Once this procedure is complete, the officer will check the bail price for your unique case against their bail schedule. If your charge has a predetermined bail price, you should pay it immediately to secure your freedom.

However, for specific severe offenses, you will wait for a judge to determine your bail price during your case's bail proceeding, which occurs immediately after your arraignment.

What to Remember During Your Interaction With the Police

Undoubtedly, an arrest can be overwhelming and traumatic, but it is not the end of the road for you. When you undergo an arrest as a suspect in any offense, your interaction with the officers while in custody can significantly impact the outcome of your charge. Here is what to keep in mind during your interaction or dealings with the arresting officers:

Staying Silent is the Key to Protecting Your Best Interests

The officer could ask you tricky questions after an arrest to find more evidence to use against you. However, you are not legally obligated to answer or respond to any of their confusing questions. Hence, remaining silent is the key when dealing with the police to avoid disclosing incriminating evidence mistakenly or unknowingly.

If the officer insists that you should answer their questions, tell them respectfully that you would like to exercise your legal right to remain silent.

You Do Not Have to Consent to Unlawful Search

The officers could want to search your person, vehicle, or belongings, but you do not have to consent to it if they do not have a lawful search warrant issued by the court. If you consent or allow them to search your person or belongings, any evidence they obtain could and will be applied against you, reducing your chances of winning the alleged crime.

The police cannot arrest you for refusing to consent to a search because you have legal protection against unlawful searches under the 4th Amendment.

You Have a Constitutional Right to Bail Yourself Out of Jail

Every minute in legal custody as a suspect in any offense can seem like an hour. However, you have a constitutional right to bail yourself out of legal custody as soon as possible to await your case verdict at home without compromising your daily activities.

Unless the alleged criminal offense is a capital crime or the court believes you are a flight risk, you can bail yourself out of jail soon after your arrest by paying the required bail cost. If the bail price for your unique charge is beyond your financial capability, you still have options to secure your release while you await your trial date.

Aside from using cash, you can bail yourself out of a detention facility using a property or bail bond. Since most defendants have no ready cash or valuable property to settle their bail, most arrestees choose to work with a bondsman for quick and affordable bail bond service.

Everything You Should Know About a Bail Bond

A bail bond is not a payment for your bail price but rather a contract between you and a bail bondsman. Under this contract, you promise to show up for your hearings after receiving your freedom, and the bondsman will post your court-set bail price. When you fail to make your court appearances, the bondsman will be liable for your bail price.

In exchange for these much-needed services, a bondsman will charge his/her client ten percent of his/her bail price as a premium (non-refundable). Since the required bail price for most charges is usually high to discourage defendants from failing to attend their hearing dates, the bondsman will require you to surrender collateral or any valuable property before signing this agreement.

Most bondsmen will accept either of the following as collateral for your release:

  • Land.
  • Vehicle.
  • Boat.
  • Mortgage.
  • Real estate.
  • Stocks.
  • House.

Even after surrendering collateral and paying the premium, a bail bondsman will have a strong incentive to ensure your adherence to the conditions of your release. Hence, do not be surprised when your bondsman asks you to contact him/her regularly to know your whereabouts.

When you adhere to the required conditions, particularly by attending your court dates, the court will dismiss or exonerate your bail. That means the bondman will no longer be under obligation to pay your bail price. When you "jump" bail or, in other words, fail to return to court to prove your innocence, the judge presiding over your case will forfeit your bail.

The bondsman will assume your collateral to offset the amount lost when the courts forfeit your bail.  Hence, it is a brilliant idea to comply with the terms of your release for the maximum period the court requires for your unique case. Aside from putting your collateral or asset on the line, skipping bail can also attract criminal charges under Penal Code 1320.5 (PC).

A violation of this statute is chargeable as a felony carrying the following possible penalties upon conviction:

  • Detention in the county jail for up to three years.
  • A fine amounting to up to $10,000.

If you are looking for a Lynwood bail bonds service, you should be ready to comply with the required terms and conditions for your release for the best attainable results on your case.

How to Find a Reliable Bondsman for Lynwood Bail Bonds Service

When it is time to hire a bondsman, you want to be certain that you are making the best decision for your future. Here are factors to consider before signing an agreement with any bail bondsman for speedy Lynwoods bail bonds service:

The Bondsman's Experience

Ensure the bond company you choose to sign an agreement with understands the bail bond process and is familiar with the protocols of the local courthouses. The bail bond process can be complex and confusing, but with an experienced bondsman in your corner, the process should be as quick and smooth as possible.

Before you sign any agreement with a prospective bondsman, you should check their work history and success rates in helping arrestees secure their freedom on bond.

The Bondsman's Reputation

Like experience, a bondsman's reputation can speak volumes about his/her quality of service. A bondman with a credible reputation is more likely to offer you the professional and fast Lynwood bail bond service you deserve to obtain your freedom. Before you sign an agreement with any bondsman, you could want to investigate his/her reputation among his/her past clients.

Past clients' reviews on a bondsman's website can give you a hint of his/her reputation and what to expect. If negative reviews exceed positive comments, that could be a sign of incompetence and a reason to look for another reputable bondsman.

The Bondsman's Availability

Often, a need to obtain bail bonds service arises at night when you have no one to rely on to clear your bail cost. Hence, it is important to ask your prospective bond company about his/her availability before you make any significant commitments with him/her.

A reliable bondsman will be available to help their clients day and night, including holidays and weekends, because an arrest can happen anytime. For prompt Lynwood bail bonds service, you could also want to ensure your bondsman has a physical office near the jail you are in custody.

If you have any concerns about the bail bond process, you can be sure your bondsman will be there to help you without delay.

The Bondsman's Licensing Credentials

Before hiring any bondsman after an arrest, you should check their licensing credentials. Like any other business, a bondsman or company must obtain licensing credentials to run a bail bond service business. Working with a licensed bondsman can assure you of the professional service needed during these traumatic times.

If your potential bondsman is unlicensed, you should take that as a red flag about his/her competence because it could mean the bondsman does not meet the required criteria for obtaining a business license.

The above factors can lessen your options to find a reliable bond company to help you during this time of need.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lynwood Bail Bonds Service

Any defendant seeking to obtain a release from jail on bail will ask some questions to prepare for what is ahead of them and know their options during these challenging times. Below are some of the most frequently and commonly asked questions about the bail bond process:

  1. What are the Common Conditions for a Release on Bond?

The conditions the judge will impose before letting you out of jail on bond depend on your unique case facts and circumstances. Below are the common conditions for a release on bond:

  • Consent to random sobriety monitoring.
  • Stay away from particular individuals or members of a criminal gang.
  • Remain in the state or country.
  • Agree to surrender your passport.
  • Agree to wear an electronic monitoring gadget.

Some of these conditions could be more suitable to certain cases than others. That is why you need an attorney during the bail hearing to help the judge craft appropriate and fair conditions for your release on bond.

  1. What Information Do I Need When Seeking Online Lynwood Bail Bonds Service?

Fortunately, most reliable bond companies provide online bail bonds service to their clients to make securing a release from jail on bail hassle-free. To commence with the bail bond process without delay, your bondsman will require particular information from you, including:

  • Your employment history.
  • Your date of birth.
  • Your residence address.
  • Your phone number.
  • Your criminal charge.
  • Your full legal name.
  1. Will Proposition (Prop) 25 Apply to My Case?

Also known as zero bail law, Prop 25 was effective in 2020. According to this law, a defendant in legal custody for a simple misdemeanor or non-violent case can obtain an Own Recognizance (OR) release. Below are examples of offenses that can qualify you for an O.R. release after undergoing an arrest:

  • Petty theft.
  • Disorderly conduct.
  • Speeding.

If you qualify for an O.R. release, the court will let you go home without paying bail. However, you must sign a written contract agreeing to return for your scheduled court hearing dates.

  1. What Happens Once I Bond Out of Jail?

Once a bondsman posts your bond, you should expect your release within the shortest time possible. Before you step out of jail, you will receive some documents listing the location, date, and time of your upcoming court appearances to challenge the alleged crime. At this point, you should consider hiring an attorney if you do not have one already.

A defense attorney will help you prepare for your upcoming court appearances for the best possible results on the alleged charge. Below are court appearances to expect once you bond out of a detention facility or jail:

Preliminary Hearing

At the preliminary hearing, the judge will review the prosecutor's evidence against you to determine whether there is sufficient cause and evidence to believe you committed the alleged offense. The main purpose of this proceeding is to determine whether your case can stand trial.

The preliminary hearing also allows your attorney to review the strength of the prosecutor's case against you and prepare the best defenses to challenge the charge at the trial proceeding.

Trial Hearing

The trial hearing is the criminal justice system's most tricky and challenging stage. At trial, the prosecutor will be burdened with proving the allegations are true beyond a reasonable doubt to obtain a conviction against you.

If your attorney's arguments can raise doubt about the prosecutor's case against you, the court could dismiss or reduce the charge to a lighter offense with less severe consequences.

Sentencing Hearing

As the name implies, this is the stage at which the court will craft an appropriate sentence or penalty for your conviction. The penalties the court will impose for your conviction will depend on the following:

  • Your attorney's mitigating arguments.
  • Your criminal history.
  • The severity of the charge.

Address Information for Los Angeles Courthouses and Detention Facilities

For fast Lynwood bail bond service, you could need address information for the following courthouse and detention facility:

Courthouse Address

Lynwood Regional Justice Center

11701, Alameda St
Lynwood, Ca 90262

Jail Address

Lynwood Jail

11705 South Alameda St
Lynwood, Ca 92062

Find a Lynwood Bail Bondsman Near Me

We invite you to call our reliable and multilingual bail bondsmen at Bail Bond Company at 323-579-1415 if you need Lynwood bail bonds service at an affordable cost. Regardless of the day or time your arrest occurs, you can count on us to bond you out of jail without delay.


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