
Arrests are overwhelming and confusing, not to mention you face the risk of conviction and a lengthy time in jail. If the police are to discharge you from their custody or correctional facility pending trial, you must post bail. The amount is not a penalty for your violation but insurance to ensure you will attend court hearings and the trial to demonstrate your innocence. Even though bail is a constitutional right and offers pretrial relief, it takes work to consolidate the funds upfront. At this point, a bondsman comes in.

At Bail Bonds, we have skilled bondmen who can intervene to secure your discharge from jail without causing financial strain. If you do not prefer using your funds to post bail or cannot afford the funds upfront, we can pay the money for you. However, you must pay a premium to cover the costs of bonding you out. We are accessible around the clock so that you spend minimum time in custody after apprehension or detention by law enforcement in Eastvale.

Reasons for Bail Ineligibility

While you are entitled to bail, the court can deny you this right under particular circumstances. Some of the reasons for Eastvale's bail denial are:

You have been Arrested for a Capital Offense or Violent Felony

When the police apprehend you for a violent or severe felony like homicide, and the evidence they have against you is compelling, the judge could deny you bail during the arraignment. The judge assumes that a person who engages in a violent crime like yours is a threat to society, and reintegrating them with the community before completing the various court stages is putting the public at risk.

Courts reject more bail applications for violent felonies than less severe crimes like shoplifting. When you commit a capital offense or severe felony, you will be denied bail unless you suffer from a significant health condition that could worsen with your continued stay behind bars. Capital offenses refer to crimes like treason that are punishable by the death penalty upon conviction.

You Have Multiple Criminal Records

When deciding whether to grant or deny bail, the judge considers your criminal history. If you have several prior convictions for an identical crime, the judge will not approve your request for bail. Multiple apprehension or conviction records for an exact offense demonstrate to the court that the rehabilitation measures in the past have failed, and it is highly probable that when they grant you a pretrial release on bail, you will repeat the same mistakes. Besides, if you were serving probation when you were re-arrested for another violation, the law court will deny you bail.

A History of Skipping Court

Your record of compliance with court dates is critical in the bail hearing. If you have previously been released on bail, the presiding judge will consider how you have complied with the arranged court dates. If you skipped court before, the presiding judge will not grant you bail because there is an elevated risk that you will miss the scheduled hearings.

You are Likely to Flee

When the court deems you a flight risk, you will likely flee your jurisdiction if discharged on bail. Leaving California or the United States means you are less likely to return to attend court proceedings. Therefore, you have the utmost flight risk if you are an alien, and the court will not favor your bail.

Similarly, the court considers your ties with the community to decide if you are a flight risk. They will want to know if you have a family, a stable job, or a societal position. If you have a family, home, or business, you must care for your children, meaning you must continue operating the company to make money. Even if the court releases you on bail, they are sure you will not run away because you have much to lose.

Being Discourteous to the Judge

Some behavior in court, like yelling, is disrespectful and can lead to bail denial even when you have a clean record or no history of jumping bail.

You can appear for the arraignment or bail proceeding without legal representation. However, it is best to have an attorney on your side to make compelling arguments that will elevate the possibility of the judge approving your bail. The attorney will present mitigating factors in your favor to compel the judge to grant bail.

Obtaining an Eastvale Bail Reduction

The bail figure arrived at by the judge in the bail hearing could be the dissimilarity between continuing your stay behind bars until the hearings and trial conclude or existing early. So, petitioning for bail reduction should make up a portion of your defense. Your lawyer can petition for bail reduction in the following ways:

  • Bringing a written bail reduction petition before the court.
  • Filing a bail reduction motion after an adjustment in the case’s circumstances.
  • Arraignment hearing application.

If you apply for a reduction, the judge considers your request and decides whether to reduce the figure. The factors the court takes into account for this decision are:

  • The severity of your allegations or charges.
  • Your community standing and family ties.
  • Whether you engage in community and religious projects.
  • Your present job status.

A hefty bail should not be a good reason for you to stay in jail until all the stages in the judicial justice system are complete. You can apply for a bail reduction to post an affordable bail. However, even if the court fails to approve your bail reduction application, you can hire an Eastvale bail bonds service to bond you out of custody.

Benefits of Partnering With an Eastvale Bail Bonds Service After an Arrest

Arrests bring emotional and financial pain to the arrestees and their families. If you are the defendant or arrestee, you must hire an attorney to offer legal representation and protect your rights. Experienced attorneys are costly, so you must dig deep into your pockets. Also, you should post bail to reunite with your family and prepare adequately for trial. Bail in Riverside County is expensive and can run into thousands of dollars. Consolidating all these funds within a short period of time is impossible for many arrestees.

At Bail Bonds, we understand the financial realm associated with arrests. Therefore, our Eastvale bail bonds are ready to facilitate your discharge without causing financial distress to your friends and family. We will post bail on your behalf for a small fee and allow you to focus on hiring the best defense attorney for a fair outcome in the trial. The benefits of hiring a bondsman are:

     1. Your Bondsman Speeds Up the Discharge Process

When your liberty is on the line, and you are unwilling to spend all your savings or borrow money to post bail, Eastvale bail bonds service can rescue you. A reputable bondsman will ensure you stay in jail for the least time possible, even when you lack money for a pretrial discharge.

Arrests happen when you least expect them. It can be at night, on weekends, or holidays. You do not want to stay in jail for days before release. Luckily, many bondmen operate around the clock and are just a call away. Knowing these professionals are available any time you need to be bonded out is an excellent reason to hire an experienced bondsman after apprehension.

     2. Your Bondsman Will Comfortably Handle the Paperwork

You must complete several application forms before you can exit police custody. Luckily, with an Eastvale bail bonds service, you need to worry less about the paperwork because an expert will handle it on your behalf. These experts know the documents you must fill out at every step of the process, streamlining your discharge.

     3. Your Bondsman Can Provide Legal Advice

Many arrestees or defendants cannot hire legal representation until they obtain freedom. If you are among these people, you need legal advice before employing an attorney, particularly in a bail hearing or arraignment. Your bondsman has your interest at heart and wants to increase your likelihood of pretrial discharge on bail without delay.

     4. Your Bondsman Will Help You Save Funds

You will also require an Eastvale bail bonds service if you want an affordable way to exit police custody. With a bondsman, you only pay a fraction of the total bail, usually 10%, to be bonded out of jail. The fee is non-refundable and acts as the cost of the services.

Not every bondsman can make these benefits a reality after an arrest. Therefore, finding the right bondsman to streamline your discharge is crucial.

Hiring a Reputable Bondsman for your Eastvale Bail Bond

Finding a reliable bondsman is overwhelming, mainly when you are in custody. Luckily, the pointers below will enable you to find the exemplary Eastvale bail bonds service:

Look for a Licensed Bondsman

The industry is flooded with mediocre bondsmen claiming to be the best at helping arrestees or defendants out of jail while awaiting case resolution. You can differentiate qualified professionals from the mediocre by checking their licensure. If the bondsman you are considering is registered, they satisfy the strict requirements to offer this service. A licensed professional will ensure your discharge from police custody or a correctional facility without delay.

After an apprehension, the police will only give you one phone call. You do not want to waste it on an unlicensed bondsman. Find an expert who is willing to confirm their credentials. If they cannot, this is a red flag, and you should look elsewhere.

Find a Bondsman Within Your Locality

The law allows you to work with any bondsman nationwide. Still, it is critical to partner with one from Eastvale specifically because they understand the local bail regulations and processes. They will follow the rules and procedures to ensure you exit police custody within hours.

The problem with hiring a bondsman from Eastvale is that they are unfamiliar with bail rules and processes, which could adversely affect your case, delaying the release.

Consider Accessibility and Availability

Most bail bond companies in Riverside have offices close to correctional or detention facilities to attend to clients whenever they call, 24/7. When you partner with a local company, you can be sure you will conveniently access them whenever you need their services to obtain a pretrial discharge.

Consider the Bondsman’s Reputation

You should find a reputable bondsman because obtaining bail does not end when you exit the detention facility. You must comply with your release requirements, and your bondsman is the best person to help you with compliance. You can check the bondsman website for reviews to see what former clients say. You can also contact these former clients and ask about their experience at the bail bonds firm. If most of them seem happy, you can consider hiring the bondsman, as they are reputable.

Hiring a bondsman is about your instinct. You can do research and obtain recommendations, but the final decision is yours. When hiring, you should use your gut or instincts and find a reliable and trustworthy professional to help restore your freedom.

Details Necessary to Acquire Bond

When you partner with a bondsman to exit jail, you should be ready with certain information when they call. First, you must have your booking number. During the booking phase, the officer handling your case assigns you a reservation number that identifies you while in jail. Your bondsman will require your jail identity to complete the bail application forms.

Similarly, you must know the specific bail amount. The officer can check the figure from the Riverside County bail schedule, or you can learn the amount in the bail or arraignment proceeding. If your bail is to be determined in a bail proceeding, speak to an attorney to increase your chances of qualifying for a pretrial discharge.

Lastly, you should know the jail or police station where you are held.

Jail and Court Information

 Riverside County Sheriff’s Department

Eastvale Station

7477 Mission Blvd.

Jurupa Valley, CA 92509

(951) 955-2600

 Riverside County Superior Court

Corona Courthouse

505 S. Buena Vista Ave.

Corona, CA, 92882

(951) 777-3147

 Find a Reputable Bondsman Near Me

For Eastvale bail bond service, call Bail Bonds at 323-579-1415. After making the call and depositing the premium fee, we will commence your bail process immediately to minimize your jail time. Even after exiting jail, our bondmen will work with you to ensure you conform to your release conditions to avoid forfeiture and bail revocation.



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