
Spending time in police custody is not exciting, from the many hours of lack of privacy to boredom to overcrowding. Therefore, when police arrest you, you should secure your freedom immediately by posting bail. You can seek Coachella bail bonds services if you need property or more cash for your bail. The agency will post the full bail amount, and you will only pay a 10% non-refundable premium. When working with Bail Bonds, you will not incur a significant initial payment, and we offer flexible, affordable payment plans. We are also familiar with jail and court procedures and can process the release promptly so you can return to your family and employment and build your case defense.

What are Coachella Bail Bonds and Their Purpose?

The California bail system allows you, the defendant, to secure your release and gain your freedom as you await your trial. You can pay bail by posting a cash bail to the court or using the services of a proficient Coachella bail bonds agency. When the latter happens, the bonding firm assumes responsibility for the bond money with the court. If you make future scheduled court appearances or follow your release terms, the agency will receive a refund of the amount posted with the court. And the vice versa is true.

The bondman will charge you a ten percent non-refundable premium for their bonding services. However, some defendants believe premium payments are wasteful and choose to await trial in police custody. Pre-trial jail time could do you a lot of harm, and here is why:

  • Spending time detained can affect your livelihood — Your boss might not allow you a period off work to deal with your legal matters. Instead, they will fire you if you stay for weeks in police custody. Also, losing your employment as you wait for your trial can reflect poorly on your character, as the judge could view you as lazy and irresponsible.
  • You risk increasing your chances of self-incrimination — What you say can be used against you in a court of law. Awaiting the trial in detention feels akin to spending time with your enemy. In custody, you associate with inmates and police officers, and the prosecutor can ask them to testify against you in court.
  • You are exposing yourself to potential harassment and violence —Some people in police cells are repeat offenders who can rough you up to assert their dominance. Therefore, if you find yourself in the wrong cell, you could face harassment or violence from criminals.
  • Spending time detained compromises your defense —Preparing a case defense involves collecting evidence, conducting thorough investigations, consulting specialists, and speaking to witnesses. Doing all these things is challenging when behind bars. For example, when you have evidence in your home, you must send a loved one, which can slow down the process of building your defense.

How Bail Bonds Work

To better understand how Coachella bail bonds work, here is a comprehensive overview of the process.

Arrest and Booking

The police can arrest you if they have probable cause to believe you committed a crime, saw you violating the law, or during a traffic stop. Next, they will take you to custody for booking.

Since booking records offer information about all suspects brought to jail, you cannot be released until after completing the booking process, even when you post bail immediately. The booking process can take hours to complete. The usual procedures associated with booking are as follows:

  • Recording your name and the alleged crime.
  • Taking a mugshot.
  • Taking your personal property and clothing into custody.
  • Taking fingerprints.
  • Performing a full body search.
  • Checking for your warrants.
  • Health screening.
  • Gathering information relevant to incarceration conditions.

Bail Hearing

All California counties have bail schedules highlighting the amount needed for different crimes.

During the bail hearing, the judge determines whether to allow the accused individual to post bail and secure their release. The judge could also raise or reduce the amount on the bail schedule. When making this decision, the judge can consider:

  • Your ability to post bail.
  • The severity of the criminal activity.
  • Your previous criminal records.
  • Your likelihood of making future court hearings.
  • Public safety.

The judge cannot lower the required bail amount unless they discover good cause if the prosecutor filed your charges as a violent California felony.

One way your defense attorney can persuade the court to lower the bail amount is by suggesting your release conditions, including the following:

  • House arrest.
  • Restricted travel.
  • Surrendering your driver’s license or passport.
  • Enrolling in an inpatient treatment facility.
  • Refraining from interacting with specific people.

Contacting a Seasoned Coachella Bail Bonds Agent

Contact a bonding firm immediately after the police arrest your loved one; it ensures you have adequate time to arrange for help. When calling the agency, ensure you can answer the following:

  • The accused’s legal name.
  • The defendant’s phone number and address.
  • The accused’s date of birth.
  • The alleged crime.
  • The name of the facility holding your loved one.
  • The required bail amount.
  • The defendant’s booking number.

Once you contact your bondsman, they can discuss the available legal options for paying your bail and advise you on the right steps to take. After paying the premium, the agent will travel to court, post bail, and secure your loved one’s release.

How soon your relative gets out of detention depends on the following factors:

  • How busy the jurisdiction is,
  • Your number on the line.
  • The number of available court personnel.

Making Court Appearances

After your release, you should attend all the scheduled court hearings and obey your release conditions. The court refunds the bail to the payee once your criminal matter is closed, provided you comply with the bail conditions. Please note that the refund process can be lengthy.

If you jump bail, the court will forfeit the amount, meaning the bonding company will lose the money. The court will also order your re-arrest. However, the court will lift the forfeiture order if you go to court within six months with a valid reason.

Understanding Your Role as an Indemnitor

An Indemnitor acts as a guarantor. Essentially, you agree to guarantee that the defendant will abide by their bail terms. In other words, you ensure the accused adheres to the terms.

Financial accountability is one of your most significant commitments as an indemnitor. It means you could be required to repay the bondsman the bail amount they posted with the court. If you used your home, vehicle, or stocks as security, it could be at risk.

Moreover, your financial responsibility can become more severe if the bonding company hires a bounty hunter to locate and apprehend your relative/friend. The agency will require you to pay for bounty hunter services. You will repay the entire bail amount if they cannot find the fugitive.

Due to the risky nature of your role as a co-signer, you must enter the process with your eyes open. Ensure you understand your contract with the bondsman and court-imposed bail conditions. If you are still deciding about co-signing, your bondsman can answer your questions and explain the process. Also, ensure the defendant is trustworthy and reliable.

Here are other things to remember before signing off:

  • You have a responsibility to ensure the defendant does not violate any other law.
  • You should notify the court and your Coachella bail bonds agency of the accused’s whereabouts.
  • You can recommend the defendant undergo specific evaluations and programs like mental health evaluation or drug rehabilitation before agreeing to cosign.

You can stop your indemnitor role if you feel uncomfortable with the accused or believe they will commit another offense. All you need to do is call the bonding company and request relief from the obligation. Once you cancel the bond, law enforcers will return the defendant to police custody.

Consequences of Failing to Keep Up with Your Flexible Bail Bond Payment Plan

An arrest and a criminal charge are regrettable events that can occur to anyone. When this happens, bondsmen could be handy in helping you leave jail pending your case's determination. Most bail bonds companies recognize that raising the required premium can be challenging and offer flexible payment plans. Different companies have different payment plans with varied terms.

So, what happens if you fail to make payments as agreed upon? The repercussions can include the following:

  • Your re-arrest — Failing to pay your Coachella bail bonds is not a crime but a contractual failure. Your bond agent is entitled to abandon liability and return you to jail. If this occurs, the court will revoke your bail and have you wait for trial in police custody.
  • Forfeiture of collateral — In many cases, bond agents ask for collateral like jewelry, real property, or vehicles. If you fall behind in repayment, the bond agency can confiscate and sell your collateral to recoup their finances. If your collateral does not cover the outstanding balance, you will be liable for the pending amount, including the legal expenses and interest.
  • Legal fines — Bail bonds are binding contracts between accused individuals and bonding firms. If you fail to repay, the bond agent can lawfully pursue you and initiate legal action. Your bail bond default conduct can lead to a trial and restitution for the bond agent.
  • Damaged credit score — Bail bonds are similar to other loans. Failure to pay your bail bond premium can cause the bond company to send debt collectors to recover the debt owed, negatively affecting your credit rating.

You can expect to hear from your bonding company if you need to catch up on your payment. Their initial step is checking whether there was a misunderstanding or an innocent mistake. For instance, it could be because you needed clarification about the payment date.

Understanding that you have options even when you default on your bail bond payment is essential. Inform the bondman of any issue you face and why you cannot pay. That way, you increase your chances of a favorable case outcome that does not result in your re-arrest.

Frequently Asked Questions

The section below discusses some of Coachella bail bonds and bail FAQs. If your question still needs to be addressed, contact the friendly agents at Bail Bonds.

     1. Are There Exceptions Relating to Bail Amounts?

There are many rules and exceptions regarding the bail amount. They include the following:

  • Your bail amount can be double the required amount if you have a previous domestic battery criminal conviction.
  • If you face charges for several offenses, the judge will set bail according to the highest amount for your most serious crime.
  • Bail amounts increase with certain factors, like the infliction of serious bodily harm.
  • Your bail is doubled once you commit another crime while out on bail (It does not matter whether your charges are a felony or misdemeanor).

      2. What are the Different Ways of Reducing Your Bail Amount?

Your lawyer can convince the court to reduce your bail in several ways, including the following:

  • Your lawyer can ask for a bail hearing — During the bail hearing, your defense attorney will convince the court to reduce your bail. A judge can consider the previous case facts and criminal history to decide whether to reduce your bail.
  • Your lawyer would defend you during arraignment — Bail can be reduced at your plea bargaining negotiations. Your lawyer could plead that you have strong community ties, it is your first offense, and you are not a threat to public safety.
  • Change in case circumstances — Per California PC 1289 PC, a judge can only reduce bail following proof of good cause. A good reason is a change in your case circumstances concerning the proceedings against you.

Courthouse, Jail, and Police Department Contact Details

 John J. Benoit Detention Center

46057 Oasis Street

Indio, CA 92201


Coachella Police Department

86625 Airport Blvd,

Thermal, CA 92274

(760) 863-8990

 Superior Court of California, County of Riverside - Larson Justice Center

46-200 Oasis St

Indio, CA 92201

(760) 393-2617

Find a Reliable Bail Bond Agency Near Me

For most defendants, raising the bail amount in full could be challenging. It is more than the large sum required; the California judicial system could hold the funds for an extended period. Some criminal cases take up to one year to resolve. Receiving a refund of the posted bail amount can also take time. With friendly and responsive agents at Bail Bonds, you do not have to worry about spending time detained. We offer affordable Coachella bail bonds and are dedicated to helping you secure a prompt release. Please call our office at 323-579-1415 to arrange your flexible payment plan and learn how we can guide you through the legal process. 


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