
A variety of festivals, recreational areas, and parks all characterize Montebello. Too much fun, though, and you can find yourself behind bars. Luckily, the law allows you to secure a release before trial through bail. It will enable you to return to work, go home, and spend quality time with your loved ones during challenging times. However, paying bail upfront is not always possible. That is where Bail Bonds Company can help. We will post your bail with the court in exchange for a 10% premium of the bail amount. We can also make the Montebello bail bonds process transparent. We offer free consultations, 24/7 support, and reasonable payment plans to ensure an effective and prompt release.

The Cost of California Bail Bonds

Every California county has a bail schedule that outlines crimes and their bail amount. You can obtain your release immediately after booking by paying the amount in the bail schedule. The police only accept an amount in the schedule. If you want to pay less, you should go before the judge.

The judge can raise or lower the amount during an arraignment or bail hearing. Based on your case circumstances, the judge can waive bail and release you on your own recognizance (O.R.). Some factors the judge considers when setting the bail amount include:

  • The severity of the charged offense.
  • Your previous criminal history.
  • Your community ties.
  • Whether you can flee town after your release.
  • Whether you pose a threat to your community.
  • Whether you are employed or own a business.

Generally, bail is expensive. The more dangerous and severe the offense, the higher the set amount. For instance, felonies are up to ten times the amount required for California misdemeanors. And many defendants do not have money lying around in their bank accounts, waiting to be used for bail.

That is where a Montebello bail bonds company can come in. The bondsman allows you to pay only a 10% non-refundable premium. The premium covers the operating costs of your bondsman (insurance, taxes, payroll, and rent). Bonds make up for the shortfall you might experience in your finances, negating the need to spend time in jail before trial.

You can use a calculator to determine your bail bond. You only need to enter the bail amount, and the calculator will show you your bail bond. Please note that the calculator neither includes collateral nor substitutes a quote. However, it will give you an idea of the cost of obtaining your release.

Most seasoned agencies offer flexible payment plans and discounts that allow you to access lower prices. You can spread the bail bond cost over time with a payment plan. 

How Bail Bond Application Process Works

If you or a loved one has been arrested, it is essential to understand how the Montebello bail bonds work. Here is an overview of the application process in three steps.

  1. Calling Your Bondsman

Before calling the bondsman, gather as much information about the suspect as possible, including:

  • Their full name.
  • The alleged crime.
  • The jail they are held in.
  • Address and telephone number.
  • Booking number.
  • Any arrest information that might be relevant.

If you are unsure about the booking number, you can confirm with the jurisdiction holding the defendant.

Preparing this information early speeds up the release process.

  1. Filling Out the Montebello Bail Bonds Application and Paperwork

When seeking bail bond service, you will fill out many forms. All the applications must be approved by California’s Department of Insurance, the authority that regulates bail companies.

Typically, an average bond application is divided into three main parts:

  • Information about the detainee.
  • Details about the accused’s reference.
  • Information about the co-signer.

You must also provide your Social Security Number and bank account information and undergo a credit check.

Finally, the bondsman will require providing collateral, especially if the risk associated with the defendant is high. Typical forms of collateral used include real estate, vehicles, computers, jewelry, stock, and bond. The bond company will put a lien on the asset used, giving them the right to cease the property if you fail to make court appearances and comply with bail conditions.

Simple applications can take approximately one hour to complete, while complicated cases take up to a day.

  1. The Bondsman Posts the Bond

Once the bondsman approves the bail, they will advise you on the next steps. It involves meeting the bondsman at the jail holding your loved one.

After posting the bail, your relative will be released from jail. The release process can take about an hour after paying bail. However, it can take longer if the jail is busy.

How Long Does a Bail Bondsman Take to Approve Bail?

It depends.

If charged with a low-risk crime, the approval process will take minutes. Your bondsman will only gather information about the situation, and you will be out of detention.

On the other hand, high-risk and more complicated cases can take longer. It is particularly true when a huge bail bond is involved, and your bondsman requires the approval of the owner of the surety firm that underwrites them. The approval time will also increase if the surety firm requires collateral or a cosigner.

Why It is Unwise to Wait in Jail for Your Trial

If the judge sets a high bail amount and you cannot raise it, you can consider remaining in jail as you await your trial. Well, it is a wrong idea, and here is why.

Securing a Release is Pocket-Friendly

Every day you remain detained could result in losing your business or employment. When you compare your Montebello bail bonds cost with the lost wages, you might discover that posting bail is cost-effective. Additionally, losing a job while detained could make it challenging to acquire future lucrative employment, regardless of whether you are acquitted or not found guilty at the trial.

If you are a parent and your family depends on you to take care of your children, this could lead to additional childcare expenses.

If child custody is in question, remaining in jail could be deemed a change of circumstances that can result in a permanent change in your custody status.

Waiting in Jail Could Hurt Your Criminal Case

The 6th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution offers defendants the right to a speedy trial. Also, according to PC 1382, defendants charged with misdemeanors and felonies should wait for 45 and 60, respectively, after the arraignment for their trial.

You can use this timeframe to give your defense lawyer time to prepare the case. Building defense includes the following:

  • Conducting research.
  • Finding and interviewing witnesses.
  • Preparing witnesses to testify.
  • Responding to prosecutorial motions.
  • Collecting and analyzing evidence.

Moreover, going home can help you become productive in your community, especially when participating in valuable service like volunteering. It could speak well of you before the judge hence a more favorable case outcome.

Your Safety and Health are Compromised

According to a report released by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2016, about 14 percent of inmates suffered from infectious ailments like Hepatitis B and C, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, and tuberculosis. The risk of infectious diseases increases in communal living conditions where many people share meal rooms, recreational spaces, and bathrooms.

If you suffer from hypertension, heart disease, or diabetes, the degree of care you will receive while detained may not be as excellent as what you are accustomed to, resulting in complications that might:

  • affect your health and quality of life, or
  • even cause death.

Finally, remaining detained can increase your likelihood of being a host of nuisance conditions like athlete’s foot and ringworm.

Everything You Need to Know as a Co-Signer

When a relative or friend is detained, you will do everything you can to ensure they are free. Once the confusion and anxiety are over, one concern can be how you will cancel your co-signing agreement. Here is what you need to understand.

Things to Consider Before Agreeing to Cosign Bail Bonds

There are many benefits of helping a loved one secure their release. Nonetheless, co-signing is a huge responsibility, and you should consider what you are getting yourself into. Here are questions to first ask:

  1. Whom Are You Co-Signing for?

Any person can make a mistake, and even good people can find themselves on the wrong side of the law. You should consider your relationship with the detainee, how responsible they are, whether you can trust them, and if they can skip bail. If you believe they are trustworthy and reliable and know them well, go ahead and co-sign for them.

  1. Do You Understand Your Agreement’s Terms?

Ensure you read and understand the agreement’s terms to know whether you are making the right decision. Seek clarification from the bondsman.

  1. Are You Eligible to be a Co-Signer?

To qualify as a cosigner, you must meet specific requirements. The bondsman will require you to have a stable job or employment, a decent credit history, and be a responsible individual.

It will be wise to contact your bond service to confirm your eligibility.

  1. Do You Want Responsibility?

Cosigning means agreeing to ensure the defendant shows up in court when required and adheres to court requirements. You will remain financially and legally accountable until the criminal case is closed, and you can bear the responsibility for a long time.

Therefore, be honest with yourself about whether this is something you can and will do.

Protecting Yourself Before Agreeing to Become a Co-Signer

Being a co-signer means you agree to become legally and financially liable for the accused person. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to reduce the risk, including the following:

  • Include clauses like the accused should attend counseling or rehabilitation classes in your agreement. You will terminate the contract if the defendant fails to satisfy the requirement.
  • Tell the detainee you need them to repay you the amount you paid on their behalf. Ensure you insist that you will cancel the cosigner agreement once they fail to make their payments as agreed.
  • Ensure you monitor the defendant’s criminal case development. Your duty as a co-signer end once the case is closed.

Why Might You Want to Terminate Your Co-Signing Role?

You might want to cancel the agreement for one of these reasons:

  • The defendant has committed another crime or is likely to flee town after their release.
  • You have fallen out with the accused.
  • Using your property as collateral has resulted in emotional stress.

How to Cancel Your Bond Agreement

You should first contact your Montebello bail bondsman and notify them of the intent to relieve yourself of all co-signing responsibilities. You can tell them your concerns.

Next, the bondsman will notify the State of California courts, and the court will nullify your bond contract. At the moment, the accused will be re-arrested.

The defendant can post their own bail. Therefore, they can obtain the amount to pay the bondsman if you communicate your plans early. That is why you should work with a bond service that maintains communication with every party.

After canceling the agreement, the accused person can voluntarily hand in themselves. Failure to act so, the judge will issue an arrest warrant. If your Montebello bail bonds company uses bounty hunters to search for and apprehend the fugitive, you will be responsible for the costs.

What Occurs If You Fail to Cancel the Bond Agreement

As a co-signer, you are innocent. Therefore, if you support the defendant and they meet their bail terms and conditions, you have nothing to worry about.

Nonetheless, issues will arise if they jump bail. You become liable for the total bail amount. It could result in losing your hard-earned money or assets used as collateral. Also, the conduct can affect your relationship with your loved one.

Please note that you may face criminal charges if you helped the defendant flee town.

Car Titles for Montebello Bail Bonds

One fundamental reason to obtain bail fast is to keep your job and remain financially stable. You can consider using your car title to secure bonds if you own a car with substantial equity but are low on credit and cash. It is a practical release option when other options take longer or are unavailable. However, that is only possible if the vehicle meets the following criteria:

  • You own the vehicle.
  • The car is insured and registered.
  • The vehicle is paid off.
  • You have a pink slip (physical copy of its title).
  • It is in good condition and functional.
  • It has a book value identical to your bond loan amount.

If your car is eligible, it will help you obtain bail bonds promptly. However, it is a temporary solution. Most agencies accept car titles as collateral to help people be released on a holiday or weekend or give you time to raise the required amount. It is because the agency is not in the business of selling and purchasing vehicles, and arranging their sale can be hectic.

Provided you have a stable credit history and employment, your bondsman can work with you to replace the automobile as your collateral. You can negotiate how long you will use the car and develop a payment plan to support it.

You can replace the car as collateral by obtaining a new line of credit or credit card from the bank or crowdfunding. Crowdfunding for bail bonds involves appealing to your loved ones and well-wishers to help secure a release when you cannot raise the amount alone. Other payment options can include the following:

  • Online payment systems like Venmo, Zelle, or PayPal.
  • Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  • Cash.
  • Debit and credit cards.

What Happens to Bail after Exoneration

Termination of bail obligations is called exoneration. After your criminal case is resolved, the surety or the person who posted bail is relieved of their responsibility and should receive a refund. If you, the defendant, posted bail and your judgment verdict carries fines as a penalty, your bail can be applied toward the fine payment. 

Bail exoneration happens in any of these situations:

  • You are mentally incapacitated to stand a trial.
  • Your case was dismissed after a motion to suppress evidence.
  • The judge dismissed your case due to the interests of justice.
  • The bondsman surrendered you to court.
  • The judge issued a court order directing you into a drug diversion program.
  • You were acquitted after trial.

If you posted a cash bail (paid the entire bail amount directly to the court via money order, cash, or traveler’s check), you would receive a refund of the amount, provided you made all court appearances.

If you used a property to secure your bail and attended all court hearings, the court would lift the lien on the asset, allowing you to keep it. If you violated your bail condition(s), the court will seize and foreclose on your property to recover the bail money.

Montebello Courthouse, Jail, and Police Department Contact Details

East Los Angeles Courthouse

4848 Civic Center Way
East Los Angeles, CA 90022
(323) 780-2025

Montebello Police Department

1600 W. Beverly Blvd.
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 887-1313

Montello City Jail

1600 West Beverly Boulevard
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 887-1230

Find a Seasoned Bail Bondsman Near Me

Making a phone call that you have been detained can be a devastating, emotional, and confusing experience. At this time, you require the entire bail amount to secure your release. At Bail Bonds Company, we believe you are innocent until proven guilty, deserve a second chance, and can work to obtain a quick release. We are open 24/7, offer flexible payment plans, and can help you navigate the Montebello bail bond process efficiently.

Please contact us at 323-579-1415 to schedule your initial consultation and learn what to expect and about our services.


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