Culver City

Being in custody is one of the most challenging times, especially if you do not have the finances to secure your freedom through bail. Under the Eighth Amendment, you are protected against excessive bail. However, for most people, the bail value the judge issues is “excessive” because they have limited finances to cover it. Bail bondsmen step in to address this challenge. Therefore, if you or a loved one is arrested in Culver City, call the Bail Bonds Company for assistance. 

Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are financial guarantees used to secure the release of individuals in police custody. Law enforcement officers will take you to jail after arresting you. You will remain in jail until your trial or until you post bail. Bail, therefore, is a monetary amount judges set to ensure that the accused shows up for their court hearings.

You can secure a bail bond if you cannot pay the total amount. You will enter into a contractual agreement with a bail bondsman. The bail bondsman will agree to pay the total amount for you to appear in court when mandated. In this agreement, he or she agrees to potentially forfeit the entire sum if you fail to honor your court appearances.

In exchange for the bail bond, you will pay the Culver City bail bondsman a fee, usually 10% of the total bail amount. This fee is non-refundable and serves as the bondsman's profit for providing the service. If you attend all their court hearings, the courts release the bail bond. Thus, the only expense you will have incurred is the fee paid to the bondsman.

What is Bail?

Bail is the monetary value a judge or magistrate sets to ensure that the accused appears in court for his or her criminal trial. You remain in jail until your trial after being arrested and subsequently charged for an offense. However, you will be released from jail before your trial should the presiding judge grant you bail. However, you must pay the bail value to guarantee that you will return to court.

Bail is not a punishment for the crime you are charged with. However, it is a way to ensure that you attend your court hearings. If you honor all your court dates, the courts will return the money posted as bail at the end of the trial. However, you forfeit the bail if you fail to appear in court. The implication of forfeiture is additional penalties, including issuing a warrant for your arrest or forfeiture of the sum you posted as bail.

Types of Bail Bonds

There are several types of bail bonds, including:

  1. Cash Bail

You will have paid cash bail if you can pay the bail amount in full without using a bail bondsman. Courts require you to post bail in cash or through a certified check. You deposit the money or check with the courts or jail to secure your release; only then will you be released. The courts will return the money at the end of the trial. They do so regardless of whether you are found guilty or not. However, the courts will only do so if If you attend all court hearings and comply with the terms of your release,

Cash bail is often used for lower-level offenses. The bail amount is relatively low. Cash bail is also viable if the accused has the financial means to pay the bail. However, for higher-level offenses, bail values are often high. Defendants find it hard to come up with the total amount of cash. Thus, they would need to seek alternative bail options, like bail or property bonds.

If you fail to appear in court, you will forfeit the cash bail. Moreover, a violation of your conditional release could result in further legal consequences, including:

  • A warrant being issued for your arrest or
  • The loss of your driver's license.
  1. Surety Bond

Licensed bail bondsmen issue surety bonds. Surety bonds are agreements between defendants and bail bond companies whereby the bail bond company commits to pay the bail and the defendant commits to honor all court dates. Further, the defendant agrees to adhere to the terms set for his/her bail release.

You secure a surety bond when you or a third party, a cosigner, pays the bail bondsman a non-refundable fee. Most companies charge 10 to 15% of the total bail value as a fee. The company then posts the surety with the court. This guarantees that the defendant will appear in court on scheduled dates and will comply with the terms of his/her release. Should the defendant fail to honor court dates or adhere to the conditions, the bail bondsman could potentially lose the bond through a court forfeiture. 

Bail-bond agreements also require collateral. Therefore, you, your representatives, or the cosigner will attach assets to the contract. Bail bond companies accept cars, real property, and homes as security. Upon completing the case, the property will revert to you if you comply with all court requirements.

Culver City bail bonds are viable options when the bail value is high and the accused cannot afford to pay the total bail amount in cash. Additionally, they are a viable option for people who do not want to put up their property as collateral.

  1. Property Bond

Property bond, as the name suggests, requires the property to be deposited with the courts for you to secure your release from jail. The courts must accept land or home titles before you can be released. The property’s value should equal or exceed the bail’s value.

The courts will return the property if you comply with all court-ordered attendance requirements and meet all bail conditions. The return will happen regardless of whether you were guilty or not in the trial. However, the courts will seize and assume a lien on the property if you fail to appear in court. 

Property bonds are a last-resort option. Individuals go for these bonds if they do not have the cash to secure their bail or if Culver City bail bonds are not an option. However, it is worth noting that property bonds come with significant risks. If you violate the terms of your pre-trial release, you risk losing your property. It is crucial to seek legal advice and exhaust all options before agreeing to use the property to secure your freedom.

  1. Release on Recognizance (ROR)

Release on Own Recognizance (ROR) is a pre-trial release where the accused is released from custody without posting bail or providing any other type of bond. Your release is based on your promise to appear in court for all scheduled hearings. Furthermore, your commitment extends to complying with all the conditions of your release.

You must meet particular eligibility criteria to qualify as a candidate for an O.R. release. The courts will only release you on your own recognizance if you:

  • Are a low flight risk.
  • Do not pose a danger to the community.
  • Have strong community ties, for example, your employment history, a stable residence.

Additionally, an O.R. release only applies to non-violent crimes.

If you fail to appear in court or violate your pre-trial release, you could be re-arrested and be subject to additional legal consequences. You should comply with all the court's requirements to avoid legal ramifications.

O.R. releases are an ideal option. You do not have any financial commitments, and you do not run the risk of losing your property. However, you have to comply with the terms set for the O.R. release. If you do not comply, you risk being arrested again and facing new charges. A judge could decline to re-release you on your own recognizance.

It is worth also noting that own recognizance releases are not guaranteed. Judges exercise discretion when determining who to release under this option.

  1. Immigration Bond

When cases involve crimes involving moral turpitude, you risk deportation. This is where the immigration bond comes into play. It is an option defendants detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for immigration-related offenses can use to secure their pretrial release. It allows defendants to be released from detention while their immigration case is pending. However, the defendant must meet specific requirements.

There are two types of immigration bail:

  • Delivery bond — Bonds issued by ICE allow detainees to be released from detention with the condition that they attend all scheduled immigration court hearings.
  • Voluntary departure bond — This bond is also issued by ICE. However, it requires the individual to leave the country voluntarily within a specified timeframe. If they leave as mandated, the detainee will receive a full refund of the value of the bond.

ICE determines the value of the immigration bond. The government agency considers if an individual is a potential flight risk or his/her criminal past, among other considerations, to determine eligibility. If you are eligible, you can post bail using cash, property, or through a third party, an immigration bail bondsman.

Like other bonds, your bond is only active if you do not violate the conditions of your release and attend all court sessions. Should you violate the terms, ICE will forfeit your bond. Thus, you will be subject to rearrest and deportation. You must carefully review and understand the terms and conditions of the bond before agreeing to them.

Conditions Judges Set for People Set Free on Bail

We have pointed out that your release is subject to specific terms and conditions. Judges set these terms as a condition for the release. These terms safeguard the community’s security interests while ensuring the defendant does not commit another violation. Some common terms include the following:

  1. Compliance With Laws

When released on bail, you should comply with the terms of your release. Failure to comply with these conditions can result in bail revocation. This means you will be re-arrested. Some typical pre-trial release terms judges set that aim for individuals to adhere to the law include the following:

  • Attend all court hearings — You must make all court appearances as required by the court.
  • Stay within a particular area or jurisdiction — The courts could require you to remain within a specific location or jurisdiction, typically within California or Los Angeles County. Ensuring you stay within California requires you to surrender your passport or travel documents. This ensures you do not leave the country while your case is pending.
  • Wear an electronic monitoring device — Electronic monitoring devices like ankle bracelets track your location. Not all cases will require defendants to wear electronic monitoring devices. However, for those that do, you have no choice but to comply. Further, your movement will be restricted to court-approved locations within specified time schedules.
  • Obey all laws — You must obey all local, state, and federal laws while on bail.

Violating any of these conditions can result in the revocation of bail and additional legal consequences.

  1. Check-ins With the Court or Pretrial Services

Judges could require you to regularly check in with the court or a pretrial services agency. This condition ensures compliance with all court requirements. Further, this condition ensures you remain available for all scheduled court hearings.

The frequency and duration of check-ins can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the court’s discretion. Here is a look at some of the types of check-ins that the courts will require you to comply with:

  • In-person check-ins — Under this, you must meet the court-appointed official in person at specified times. You will update the official in these meetings on your whereabouts and compliance with court conditions.
  • Phone check-ins — These check-ins complement the in-person check-ins. The courts could require you to call the court or pretrial services agency at specified times. Like in-person check-ins, you should provide updates on your whereabouts and compliance with court conditions.
  • Electronic monitoring — In other situations, electronic monitoring suffices.

You should take check-ins seriously and follow all of the court's rules. Failure to appear for a scheduled check-in or violation of any other court conditions could result in the revocation of bail and/or additional legal consequences.

  1. No Contact With Victims or Witnesses

In some cases, especially cases of assault or battery, judges could issue "no contact" orders. These orders prohibit you from contacting your case's alleged victims or witnesses. These orders aim to protect the alleged victims' or witnesses' safety and well-being. They are also a safeguard to ensure you do not interfere with the legal process.

A "no contact" order takes several different forms. Judges settle on one after a careful evaluation of the circumstances of the case. Some common types of "no contact" orders include:

  • No direct contact — Under this, the courts will prevent you from having any direct contact with the alleged victims or witnesses. This order extends to in-person communication, over-the-phone conversations, or attempts to reach the victim through email or social media.
  • No indirect contact — You will violate this order when you indirectly contact the alleged victim or witnesses. This can be through a third party or by leaving messages or notes.
  • Stay-away order — Under this order, the courts will require you to stay away from the alleged victims or witnesses.
  1. Drug or Alcohol Testing

You must abstain from drug or alcohol use during the period you are out on bail. The courts will subject you to regular testing to ascertain compliance with this term. Courts enforce this term to ensure you remain sober and do not pose a danger to yourself or others while on bail.

The frequency and duration of drug or alcohol testing vary. The court retains discretion in determining the frequency and time you will be subjected to the testing. The following are the avenues court officials use to enforce compliance with drug and alcohol testing:

  • Urine testing — You must submit urine samples regularly to test for drug or alcohol use. Officials collect these samples during in-person check-ins.
  • Breath testing — You could be required to submit a breath test to determine alcohol use. In other cases, the judge could instruct you to install an ignition interlock device. This device prevents you from starting your vehicle if it detects alcohol on your breath.
  • Blood testing — In other situations, you could have to submit a blood sample, especially if the officers suspect you are under the influence of drugs.

Failure to pass a drug or alcohol test violates your bail release. The violation is subject to further legal consequences.

  1. Surrender of Firearms

In serious cases, especially felonies that involve the use of firearms, courts confiscate firearms. It should be noted. This court process does not mean you are guilty. Therefore, it should not be mistaken for firearm confiscation when an individual is found guilty of a felony. If a jury returns a not-guilty verdict, the judge will order the return of the firearms to you.

The surrender of firearms also extends to a prohibition from purchasing firearms. You will be barred from handling or purchasing firearms while out on bail.

Jail and Courthouse Information

You can submit your Culver City bail bonds at the following jails or courthouses:

Culver City Police Department

4040 Duquesne Avenue

Culver City, CA 90232

+1 310-837-1221

Santa Monica Courthouse

1725 Main Street

Santa Monica, CA 90401

(310) 255-1840

Contact a Culver City Bail Bonds Company Near Me

If you or a loved one requires Culver City bail bonds to secure your pre-trial release, contact the Bail Bonds Company. We operate 24/7 and offer various payment options to make it easier for you or your loved one to be released from custody. Contact our team at 323-579-1415 for more details.


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